Bronze Age

One of the ways that we have implemented to know the stages and the development of humanity throughout its history has been to section the stages and name them with the most representative technological advances of each one, an example is the Bronze Age .

The “Age of Metals” was born approximately between the IV and I century BC. and it is known for being the final stage of Prehistory. The Metal Age is divided into three major stages.

  1. Copper Age III millennium BC.
  2. Bronze Age II BC.
  3. and Iron Age I BC.

But, we’re here reading this to learn a little more about the Bronze Age and what it’s called. As a summary, the Bronze Age is the prehistoric stage that elapsed between the year 3000 BC. and the year 1200 BC. Its name is due to the discovery of bronze, and since it was obtained thanks to an alloy of copper and tin.

man casting bronze

At this time, great advances and developments in humanity can be highlighted, and it is characterized by the experimentation of casting different types of metals. It is worth mentioning that the population began to group together more and more, resulting in a more organized society and, therefore, an important development of weapons, creation of armies and centralization of political power.

Main features of the Bronze Age.

Among the main features, we find it convenient to point out the following:

  • Work and experimentation in the alloy of metals to create new utensils.
  • Social organization becomes more complex
  • trade growth
  • Development of weapons and a large number of warfare.
Nordic bronze age sword

Thanks to the appearance of bronze 3000 years ago, it allowed humanity to improve its farming, hunting and fishing techniques.

Some fun facts about the Bronze Age.

  • The Bronze Age would end around the year 1200 BC. C. fruit of various natural disasters that brought with them a serious shortage of food and troubled times.
  • Egypt was already a highly developed civilization and relations with the Near East were continuous and flourishing.
  • Stone and copper tools were replaced by bronze ones. More resistant and manageable
  • Funeral rituals and burials begin to gain importance.
  • Sumerians invent writing.

I hope you liked this reading and have learned something new today. If you liked it, share it and leave us your comments to make the information richer.

Industrial Okendo, the experts in bronzes.